Increase faction warp limit

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Increase the limit from 5 to maybe 10 or 12. if that is possible. It allows factions to have warps to their outpost claims or mob spawners. You can add a teleport cooldown or maybe a 5k cost to it too.


2 years ago (edited by Esonexus 2 years ago)

Object. The limit is set low for a reason. If it's raised people will just abuse it. If anything the limit should be lowered due to it being heavily exploited by users such as yourself. In addition, you simply don't understand the technical difficulty of raising this limit. It's pretty much impossible due to the faction warp limit being hardcoded into the plugin. It can't simply be changed without editing compiled java code, which even if you managed to do that, it would probably fucking corrupt the entire server and we would be shit out of luck. In short, this suggestion is bad and due to the technical aspects of this, it would probably totally ruin the entire server.

Esonexus - go to this post

Object. The limit is set low for a reason. If it's raised people will just abuse it. If anything the limit should be lowered due to it being heavily exploited by users such as yourself. In addition, you simply don't understand the technical difficulty of raising this limit. It's pretty much impossible due to the faction warp limit being hardcoded into the plugin. It can't simply be changed without editing compiled java code, which even if you managed to do that, it would probably fucking corrupt the entire server and we would be shit out of luck. In short, this suggestion is bad and due to the technical aspects of this, it would probably totally ruin the entire server.

I don't recall seeing you play the game under that user. As to why I'm constant about this it is because Mosely has said it might be possible until he says otherwise I'm gonna keep asking. And it is also why I suggested them having a cooldown as well as a pricetag. I also don't think it's too hard to copy all the data. time yes, but if you need space for copied files I'm willing to provide it

Dæmon - go to this post

I don't recall seeing you play the game under that user. As to why I'm constant about this it is because Mosely has said it might be possible until he says otherwise I'm gonna keep asking. And it is also why I suggested them having a cooldown as well as a pricetag. I also don't think it's too hard to copy all the data. time yes, but if you need space for copied files I'm willing to provide it

I play the server almost every day though not under the same username as my forum username. Why you're constant about this is because you're stubborn and unlearned. Continuing to ask the same thing over and over again when you know that people have already heard you out is rude, obnoxious, childish behavior. Mosley should issue a permban or at least a mute against you. Anyway, it's not a matter of copying data or file storage you imbecile. You'd know that if you read and truly comprehended my post. The problem is with editing compiled java code (so difficult it's next to impossible) and even if you pulled that off the entire server would be completely fucked and corrupted as soon as it hot-loaded the class you irresponsibly changed. If you knew the first thing about java or at the very least listened to someone who did (me) you wouldn't be continually making this rash, nonsensical suggestion. Just cool down, buddy.

Esonexus - go to this post

I play the server almost every day though not under the same username as my forum username. Why you're constant about this is because you're stubborn and unlearned. Continuing to ask the same thing over and over again when you know that people have already heard you out is rude, obnoxious, childish behavior. Mosley should issue a permban or at least a mute against you. Anyway, it's not a matter of copying data or file storage you imbecile. You'd know that if you read and truly comprehended my post. The problem is with editing compiled java code (so difficult it's next to impossible) and even if you pulled that off the entire server would be completely fucked and corrupted as soon as it hot-loaded the class you irresponsibly changed. If you knew the first thing about java or at the very least listened to someone who did (me) you wouldn't be continually making this rash, nonsensical suggestion. Just cool down, buddy.

cool down? Now you are trolling. I'm tired of your crap Stotious. it's getting old and I don't see how you get fulfillment from this.


2 years ago (edited by Mosley 2 years ago)

Dæmon - go to this post

cool down? Now you are trolling. I'm tired of your crap Stotious. it's getting old and I don't see how you get fulfillment from this.

If anyone is trolling here it's you. It's pretty obvious you're wrong and you lost this argument, badly. Acting like a schizo and calling me "Stotious" (am I supposed to know who the fuck that even is?) isn't helping your case. I'm not in this conversation looking for fulfillment. I'm merely safeguarding the server's best interests. If you got your way, the entire server would be completely fucking bricked.


2 years ago Administrator

By "faction warp limit," you do mean cooldown, yes? If so, I have no problem with doing this. My only concern is that it'll be painstakingly slow for players to warp around places.

Just for reference, the cooldown is actually set in the Essentials configuration and has nothing to do with the Factions plugin. If I change this, it'll make teleportation slower for everything (including /tp) and not just Factions.


2 years ago Administrator

Dæmon - go to this post

cool down? Now you are trolling. I'm tired of your crap Stotious. it's getting old and I don't see how you get fulfillment from this.

He has severe esoMania, a condition brought on by external factors. It's not your fault.

Mosley - go to this post

By "faction warp limit," you do mean cooldown, yes? If so, I have no problem with doing this. My only concern is that it'll be painstakingly slow for players to warp around places.

Just for reference, the cooldown is actually set in the Essentials configuration and has nothing to do with the Factions plugin. If I change this, it'll make teleportation slower for everything (including /tp) and not just Factions.

Oh, when i teleport using the /f warp menu its instant, it doesnt have a "wait thee seconds to teleport" faction warps only faction members can use. i mean if raising the amount of warps is too powerful then add a cooldown like the /tp

Dæmon - go to this post

Oh, when i teleport using the /f warp menu its instant, it doesnt have a "wait thee seconds to teleport" faction warps only faction members can use. i mean if raising the amount of warps is too powerful then add a cooldown like the /tp

So you mean to say you've been abusing an exploit all this time and you never did your due diligence and disclosed it? You're a man of low moral fiber. We shouldn't ever take another one of your suggestions into consideration again. Your forum account should be permanently suspended in addition. In the near future, when my up and coming promotion to moderator takes effect, this forum will shape up and you'd better do the same otherwise you'll end up shipped out to boot camp, bucko.

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